Tag: Technical Excellence

Creating Marshes with Recycled Sediment

The coastal marshes of Louisiana and other states are a valuable resource. Sadly, in many areas they are slowly disappearing. By working together with ports and other industries, we can use river sediment to restore shrinking marshland.

HOME Habitat Modeling

GeoEngineers developed the HOME (Habitat Optimization Modeling of Ecosystems) model as a unique visualization tool to help us predict the quality of river habitat and ecosystems through time, based on proposed changes to the river system. This video shows the modeling software in action, and demonstrates the power the HOME approach can have on river […]

Drilling in the River: Geotechnical Investigations in the Mississippi and Beyond

Reliable drilling investigations are the cornerstone of geotechnical work. The soil data our drill teams gather is the basis of most of GeoEngineers’ geotechnical designs and recommendations. Even in ideal conditions, drilling operations can be challenging and unpredictable. But when we need soil information from below a river bottom it requires a team of exceptional […]

Improve Your Job Site Photography with these Five Simple Tips

The related fields of engineering, construction and environmental science require lots of photographs. We take photos to show our clients the status of a work site, document a task, promote our project and expertise, or even just for fun. Although photos are a common part of many on-site tasks, and we’re all used to taking […]

GeoEngineers Principal to Lead ASCE Development of Direct Pipe® Manual of Practice

GeoEngineers Principal Jon Robison, PE has been chosen by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) to lead the Task Committee creating a Manual of Practice on the Direct Pipe® trenchless method. The committee will be comprised of engineers, contractors and equipment manufacturers and suppliers from across North America and Europe. A manual in this […]

What the New ASCE 7-16 Seismic Design Standards Mean for You

Recent updates to seismic building standards by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) promise to bring changes to the engineering industry. The ASCE is the primary authoritative source for engineering standards in the United States. State and local jurisdictions often refer to ASCE standards for their building codes, and revised ASCE 7-16 guidance on […]

Pipeline Staff Host HDD Training in Chicago

Mark Miller and Jon Robison of GeoEngineers’ Pipeline Team recently gave a crash course on Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) for some of our friends in the Chicago area. More than 30 staff from Peoples Gas, Wisconsin Energy, and North Shore Gas attended the free training session, which covered the basics of HDD design and construction. […]

Report from the 2018 Underground Construction Conference

GeoEngineers employees Mark Miller, David Sauls, Jon Robison, and Gary Castleberry participated in the 2018 Underground Construction Technology (UCT) Conference last week in New Orleans, Louisiana. After the conference Mark answered some questions about what he gleaned from the conference and the current state of the industry, particularly trenchless technologies. Q: Tell me a little […]

Two GeoEngineers Projects Win ACEC Awards

The American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Washington Chapter recognized two GeoEngineers projects with awards for their outstanding client satisfaction and technical contributions. ACEC Washington recognized the hard work of these project teams at their 51st Annual Engineering Excellence Awards and Gala on January 19, an event emceed by GeoEngineers COO Dan Campbell. Palermo Data […]

Principal Elected Missouri Air Conservation Commission Chair for Fourth Time

The Missouri Air Conservation Commission elected Principal Geological Engineer Gary Pendergrass as its chair for the fourth time at their monthly December meeting. Gary has served on the seven-member commission for the past decade, and continues this active role in overseeing the state’s air conservation laws. Since 1965, the Missouri Air Conservation Commission has upheld […]

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